Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Consistency is important

One of the things that has been on my mind lately is how, as Christians, we often live inconsistent lives. Obviously, all of us are sinners and are bound to not live out our values at all times. However, I find the problem to be much deeper than that.

We often target something we find offensive or sinful and do our best to denounce it, avoid it, boycott it, or even attack it. But then there are other things that are just as sinful or detrimental to our Christian walk, but that we enjoy, that we just kind of look past. But, if we see someone else involved with the issue we dislike we are quick to point it out, yet would be completely offended if they did the same with the issue that we just kind of gloss over. The verse that comes to mind that addresses this is Matthew 7:2, "Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?"

Again, I know that we are all sinners, but it really destroys your witness to non-believers when they see us engaged in activities that contradict what we so proudly state elsewhere. I believe that this can unfortunately descend into hypocrisy. We can become like the Pharisees and be whitewashed tombs; pretty on the outside, but full of death and decay on the inside.

I've purposely tried to be vague because I didn't want to bring up specific examples that might offend some people. I'm just as guilty of being inconsistent as everyone else, but I've realized areas where that inconsistency shows and with the Lord's help I pray that I will correct them. I just hope that perhaps this might get you thinking about ways that you can live more consistently in your Christian life and ask God to point these out to you.


Unknown said...

Thank you brother! I am struggling with areas of sin that I know have been there all along, but I was often too busy with putting out other sin "fires" to notice too much.

What a wretched condition is the heart of a someone torn between two masters! Help us, God, to look to and savor the cross!

Unknown said...

We live inconsistant lives when we walk in the flesh.
We are to walk in the Spirit and we won't fulfill the lust of the flesh. We can't sin walking in the Spirit but be sure we will sin quite often if don't walk in the Spirit. I know that the Bible says that sin shall not have dominion over the Believer who walks in the Spirit of the Living God!